Life's little adventures, accompanied by a running watch

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It’s funny how time works.  When I was contemplating returning to school as an adult while working full time, I wondered how I would find time to study, write papers, and more importantly, relax.  Studying did happened, degrees were attained, and time was again redeposited in my account.  Very soon, I found things to do to eat up that time.  The months leading up to Ghost Train training were much like the time working towards my degrees.  Intense and then done.  So what have I been doing with this “extra” time?

I actually don’t like to cook.  If it wasn’t for running (and my husband), I’d probably be feasting on a bowl of cereal or toast.  Today, I whipped this gem up.  Not a vegan, not paleo, not anything here folks…guilty as charged!  Just a simple meatloaf with potatoes, carrots and some onions for flavor.
Sorry Mom, I should’ve warned you to sit down while reading this!
As recently mentioned, I took a good two weeks off from running after Ghost Train.  I walked quite a bit, but ran not a step.  This week, I’m getting myself back into the groove.  And because I scored a work-from-home day today, I actually got two runs in today!  Bella and I grabbed a foggy 3 miler first thing, and then a bonus second 3 miler just before it got dark.

Yard work
I didn’t think to take a picture, but suffice it to say, we worked hard this past weekend to get our lawn cleared of leaves.  There was also some lawn mowing going on – it looks pretty nice if I do say so myself!

I try not to sleep in too much, since it just creates an “off” feeling for the rest of the day.  But it has been nice to sleep “in” until 7 during the weekends, get a run in, and still have a good chunk of the morning all to myself!

My mom asks me occasionally what I’m reading, and I usually answer with “nothing” and sigh.  Today, our Runner’s World arrived and I’m excited to curl up with it tonight.  Recently, the magazines had piled up while I ran back to back long runs, and then spent the rest of my weekends tired and sometimes fuzzy.  Not great for comprehension!

I’m so happy to be writing again!!  I’ve missed it but knew not to push it.  This should be and is fun; not to be treated like a task.  I’ve also been catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs as well.  Interesting how I picked up a new follower since I started writing again (wink).  Guess people move onto other blogs that aren’t so stagnant.  Glad those of you stuck with me while I got my writing mojo back – thank you!

So here I go, filling up all of that previous Ghost Train training time with everything I just told you about.  No worries, I’ve registered for a 50 miler in May, so soon enough, training will become intense again and some of the above will undoubtedly shift again. 

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once. ~John Archibald Wheeler


  1. LOL! There MUST be some powdered sugar donuts hanging around somewhere in that house!

  2. A 50 miler is next? You don't stop challenging yourself! I think I'd like to run a 50 miler someday, too!

    1. I ran my first ultra at a 50 miler two years ago, so it'd be great to try another and maybe improve my time and/or the way I ran it, etc. I bet you'd like the distance Tina :)

  3. I love all the ways you are filling in your extra time- hooray for cooking!!! I like cooking as long as I have time and a plan!!!

    1. Thanks Kim! Not sure I'll ever like it, but I do enjoy NOT cooking the same thing over and over again (so boring for my poor husband!). I've also gotten a little crazy with organizing stuff.....!!
