Life's little adventures, accompanied by a running watch

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cutting it close

So it’s December 27th and I haven’t run since December 23rd.  That generally wouldn’t make a blog post because I usually don’t fret over an extra couple days rest – especially around the holidays.  But if you read my blog post around my 2012 mileage quest, you know that I’m hoping to finish off 2012 at 1400 miles.  It all seemed very feasible when I wrote that post.  And then I became one of the cool kids and picked up “the cold”.

After over a year with no colds or flu or any other ailment, I awoke on Christmas morning to the sore throat, sniffles, chest congestion, ear ache, fever, and general malaise.  Groovy.
Who invited them to Christmas??

What I find ironic is that I remained super healthy throughout the past year of the hardest training ever, my longest training runs, 4 marathons +, and of course, my longest race to date.  And now that I’m in more “relaxed” mode, BAM, I become a germ target.  So I guess I just need to find another 50 miler to train for.  Clearly, relaxing is my kryptonite. 

OK, I’m not really going to sign up for another 50 miler (right now), but I am still gunning for my 1400 miles!  11 miles to go…wish me luck J


  1. Good luck, you still have a few days!! I have 10 more to get to my goal for the year, just two five mopers over the weekend is the plan! Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Abbi! I think I've got it in me, so I'm hopeful :) Enjoy your last 10 of 2012!

    2. Of course you have it in you! You're my girl and you ROCK!!

  2. Bummer you got sick! I always used to get sick at the end of the Nutcracker season (when I was a ballet dancer)... it's so strange how it happens AFTER the hard stuff is done! You can totally get those 11 miles in! I'm cheering for you :)

    1. Interesting that you had a life as a ballet dancer. I know a former dancer/now instructor who is afraid to start running because it makes us so inflexible. I wonder, since you've done both, do you find that to be true?

      Thanks for the encouragement....I'm sure going to try for those final 11 miles. Fortunately, I'm starting to feel better :)

  3. ok, you need to re-friend me on runtastic,,,, I'm just numb enough that when I was trying to accept, it deleted you and now and I can't find you again! THere are too many Lisas! grrrr.

    You have plenty of time to get 11 miles. New Year's Eve run! Better than beer. :)

    1. I'm just as numb then, cuz I was clunking along trying to figure it out myself.

      Just got 5 miles done (of course, it felt like I had an elephant on my chest), but only 6 to go now :)

  4. Oh you've totally got 1400 in the bag!! Sorry you were sick. That's such a bummer!

    1. Thanks Michael! It's kinda fun to have that little last minute competition w/ myself :)

      In a way, having this stupid cold has helped the cause. Normally, I'd sort of sit back, let the cold run it's course, then gently start running again. With so few miles to go to reach my goal, I got my lazy butt out there today and knocked out 5 (sluggish) miles. CHECK......6 to go :)

  5. Eleven miles - you can DO IT! That's just 2.75 each day. Pffft - you've got this!!!!

    1. Thanks!! Wow, when you put it THAT way, of course it's feasible :)

      5 done today, 6 to go......

  6. 11 miles, you got that! Easy peasy, lady!
