Life's little adventures, accompanied by a running watch

Friday, February 24, 2012

Random Ramblings

There’s such a strong correlation between running and feeling good.  No two ways about it.  The last month and a half have been a bit of a blur because of my new job, and more so, because I’ve been doing some traveling.  No complaints…trust me!  However, I continue to struggle (new job or not) with getting my mid-week runs in.

The times when things get stressful and deadlines loom is just when I start to throw running to the back burner.  The stress of a given day tires me and motivates me only to go home and camp out by the pellet stove with Bella.  I’m quite sure that, even if we owned a treadmill, I would still slack off. 

I’ve had a big deadline to make something happen at work that hasn’t been able to happen for over two years.  I was told when I first started that if I could pull this off, it would be such a coup.  And I would be a hero.  Well, I made it happen.  I’m proud of my work and am toasting some efficient working my butt off with a 3-glasser boxed wine.  Don’t judge.

Thanks for letting me brag!  The point though isn’t what a rock star I can be at a job I love, but more of how much happier, healthier, and more positive I feel when I continue to run through particularly stressful times.  Why do I stop just when I need it most?  Recently, I was talking with a friend and I lamented that I’ve misplaced my running oomph lately.  I’m still happy to be running Boston and still hungry for it – but lately I’ve felt hungry in a “jelly roll” kind of hunger versus a “turkey dinner with all the fixin’s” kind of hunger.  OK, goofy analogy – I guess I’m slipping there too!

Weather and darkness definitely play a part in the degree of motivation I feel on a given day.  Yesterday, I was able to get about two-thirds of my run done in the daylight/dusk before it turned truly dark.  Today, my boss kicked me out early, so I was able to get my whole run in true daylight.  Funny how much better running in the daylight feels.  I didn’t even care about the rain/freezing rain that started shortly into my run today.

Ultimately, running evens me out.  It provides me the clarity to gain perspective, solve problems, and write blog entries.  With or without my watch, running has become one of the best parts of me.  So I’m sorry Running, sorry I seem to ditch you just when I need you most.  I promise, it’s not you; it’s me.


  1. I completely agree! And now that I've been crazy busy with work but haven't been able to run, I even miss it more -- like I'm desperate for the release but can't get it!

    And good job on the work deal -- that is awesome.

    1. Thanks Tricia! The good thing is, barring injury, it all comes back as if it was waiting patiently for me to get my act together.

    2. You expect much too much from yourself. You can only give 100% of yourself to one thing at a time. Work mission accomplished, now you can concentrate on the running. What would you rather have? A half-a***d job done at work? I think NOT!

    3. Who knows me better than mama! Duly noted :)

  2. Yay on the job success! THat is great! I too, am sooo looking forward to the longer days. It will be so nice to get a run in after work a few times a week.

    1. I feel a little silly moaning about the weather - afterall, we've had just about NO winter! But it will be refreshing to welcome Spring :)

  3. Congratulations on your big win at work!!! That is awesome!

    Don't worry the running mojo will come back.

  4. Congrats on your big accomplishment at work!

  5. Yeah for the coup!! Great job Lisa and I totally think you deserve that box wine (which is my favorite by the way). I had no idea that they even made three glass box wines. So need to look for that. I have had to put running on the back burner too, not my choice. I need it more than ever right now and haven't been able to go. So much better when I do it!
