Life's little adventures, accompanied by a running watch

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Expo, outfit, and…BAA deferment?

The race is fast approaching and there’s ….nothing really to do, but hydrate and chill!  Now that the trip to the Expo has been made (finally found a good time to go to avoid the masses), all that's left to do is arrange my race day stuff for photos. 

Positioning GU and other running
paraphenalia = NERVOUS ENERGY!
I broke the rule of buying a new piece of clothing for race day, but with the hot/sunny forecast and a black shirt originally planned, a change to a lighter color and lighter weight top was the order of the day.  
Scott's free shirt
Because we were actually able to move around the Expo this year, I easily found a top that fit the bill.  Even better, the Brooks people were giving away a free shirt with any purchase, so I grabbed one that would fit Scott.  We both win!

Now that my race day outfit is complete, it looks like I might receive an A in functionality, but probably a C- in fashion.  Nothing matches.  Check it out – would I lie?
At least the shoes & socks match
each other!
With 26.2 miles ahead of us and a possible record setting temperature, no one will notice.  I suspect if I ran naked, someone would notice that.  I might be cooler, but I’d also probably be jailed.  And that would mean a DNF.

Hot off the presses (no pun intended on the “hot” reference)….BAA is implementing a deferment policy in reaction to what will likely be a dangerous heat.  I think it’s responsible of them to offer that, though I for one will not be biting.  Many people go into these races undertrained even on a good day, so hopefully they will be the ones who defer to 2013.  A race is nothing to risk your health over, but I think I’ll be OK and am ready to tackle the course, albeit slower and more cautiously than if it was 45 degrees and overcast.
Afterall, weather is one of many important elements to managing a race.  This is what we’re getting – it’s pretty evident – so manage it we must.  My mismatched, unfashionable outfit and I plan to rock it.  Now, to define “rock it”…..


  1. Came across your blog on Run the Long of luck tomorrow! Sounds like it's going to be as hot as it was for that 2007 Chicago marathon. Stay cool and have fun!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, Boston & Chicago seem to have a little weather competition going for the hottest race!

  2. Best of luck tomorrow Lisa!!!! Great job beating the expo crowds!

  3. Good luck, good luck, good luck!!! And put ice in your bra if anyone offers it - it's amazing! (during the race of course, ha ha)

  4. The Kona Marathon was hot and I stuffed my mouth with ice and let it melt in my mouth. I wore something new at the race yesterday - new shorts that I had run 2 miles in - they were great! I like your purple laces! So excited for you! Have fun!

    1. Thanks Tina, we're going to make it fun! While the heat is serious, I think a combination of fluids, ice, salt, GU, and common sense will get us to the finish.

      Here we go....

  5. Wishing you the best tomorrow Lisa! Have fun and be safe!

    1. Thanks Michelle! My goal is to do both :)

  6. I hope it will be ok for you. I think if runners are prepared to slow down and watch hydratation very carefully it will be ok...enjoy Boston...take your time and be well

  7. Goooood luck tomorrow!! I can't wait to hear all about it! When I ran the Georgia marathon a few weeks ago, it was HOT and the race director added spray stations and warned everyone many times to slow down. It was near a real feel of 80 in the middle miles and some neighbors along the course offered baggies of ice. I took one and stuck it on my neck (it stayed there since I wedged it btwn the bra straps) - it was perfect! Just forget your race goal and HAVE FUN!!

  8. GOOD LUCK LISA!!!!!! Have fun out there and run smart! I know you'll do great!! :)

  9. Wishing you the best of luck and have a blast! Run smart and stay hydrated!!

  10. I am listening to the Boston coverage right now. I hope you are out there having a good time!

  11. Hope you managed the heat well. How'd ya do? How'd ya do????
